
Three Things You Can Do To Kickstart the New Year

January 8, 2024

It’s the start of a new year – a clean slate, blank canvas, whatever you want to call it, you’ve got a new year on your hands. And while you might be using the reset to tackle new health and wellness goals, it’s also an important time to jot down some business objectives, no matter where you are in your professional journey.

We all know that good intentions don’t always last. In fact, when it comes to resolutions, a study by researchers at Scranton University found that only 19 percent of individuals keep their resolutions. Most are abandoned by mid-January. Wah wahhhhhh.

Know that your friends at Klein Hersh believe in you and want to see you as part of that precious 19 percent in this new year. To help you head in the right direction, check out my top three pieces of advice for kicking off 2024.

Seek mentors.

I’m sure you’ve met people either in your company or in your industry that have truly excelled in their role. Find them again now, connect with them, and make time on calendars (the sooner the better!) to sit down with a thoughtful list of questions and topics of conversation. Simply listen, learn and follow up. These people are not only your mentors, but now your advocates.

Invest in learning.

There is always more to know. Start simple. Identify and tune into a new podcast or book featuring a business leader that you admire. James Clear’s brilliant “Atomic Habits” is a book and author that we hold near and dear to us at Klein Hersh. Jump into a title that resonates for you and that piques your interest. You might just get inspired and hear what you need to move to the next level.

Take care of yourself.

This is personally an area in my life that I am passionate about committing to in 2024. As we all well know, there is endless data to support the power of a sustainable wellness-focused practice to enhancing and expediting all other aspects of your journey. We also know that having a co-pilot, like a family member, friend or colleague along your side, can help to hold you accountable to your wellness goals even on the days when you want to skip out. Whatever it is that keeps you moving, stick with it and keep building on.

Hopefully one, two or maybe all three of these 2024 kick starters hit home for you, but of course, tweak and tailor until they do. Whatever you decide though, be purposeful, create a timeline, and embrace the grind.

The 19 percent club is waiting for you! Happy New Year!

Authored by
Josh Albert
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About the Author
Josh Albert became a Managing Director at Klein Hersh in 2002. During his tenure, he has helped Klein Hersh grow into the leading life sciences executive search firm, with over 40 employees and more than 20 distinct practice areas. In addition to his role as a Managing Director, Josh’s responsibilities include: Leading Klein Hersh’s pharma and biotech practice, which partners ...